On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 05:45:20PM -0500, Len Conrad wrote:
> FreeBSD 6.2
> amavisd-new-2.4.3_1,1
> p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.5
> clamav-0.93.3
> quad cpu 2 GHz
> 1 GB RAM , about 700 MB inactive or free
> spamd  about 5% weighted CPU
> clamav about 10% wcpu
> vscan (amavis), 2 instances taking 75% wcpu
> cpu 0% idle
> amavis max msg 1000*1024
> postfix active queue (sending to vscan), 550 - 600
> Anybody know what the blockage could be with vscan(amavis)?
> I can't see anything in maillog about errors, simply huge delays in postfix 
> sending to :10024/vscan
> Suggestions?

  Yes, you should be running much more than 2 instances of amavisd. 
Your current 2 instances virtually guarantee that mail will back up
unnecessarily while SA waits for responses from DNS queries and other
network tests.

  You need more RAM in proportion to your available CPU; 1GB is low for
the optimum number of processes, which would probably be over 10, so
you probably can't get optimal throughput until you add more RAM.  For
a 4 CPU system, you want at least 2GB, 3-4GB would probably be better.

  Try 6 amavisd processes for a start (Scientific Wild Ass Guess), and
adjust up or down from there as necessary.  If it starts swapping, drop
the number of processes, of course.  Make sure that the Postfix
concurrency setting for injection into amavisd is set to match.

  I will almost guarantee that you should see your queue drop and your
throughput at least double if you adjust the number of processes

  If FBSD reports any of these cores as Intel's "Hyperthreading"
pseudo-CPUs, as opposed to real physical CPUs, disable hyperthreading
via the sysctl.  HT would hurt your performance on this workload, but
on a newer quad-core system, all CPUs should be real cores so it should
be a non-issue.  There are some other sysctl adjustments I have
empirically fumbled my way into which I recommend for FreeBSD 6.2; I'll
post those later.  They are probably not urgent for you unless you are
seeing occasional OS crashes or freezes.

  -- Clifton

    Clifton Royston  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       President  - I and I Computing * http://www.iandicomputing.com/
 Custom programming, network design, systems and network consulting services

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