On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 02:07:16PM -0500, Len Conrad wrote:
> >Hello there Len, it's been a long time!
> Hello Eric,
> >I am running a 55W Quad Core Opteron with 4Gb of RAM with only 4 amavisd
> >processes and it runs like "the wind"
> >
> >I think you should install more memory, I realize you put 1MB but really you
> >have 1GB yes?  =)
> As I said, when the machine was groaning earlier, there were about 200 - 300 
> MB ram free, enough for more amavis processes which take about 70 MB each.
> mx1# egrep -ic '... .. 11.*(passed clean|blocked spam)' /var/log/maillog
> 662
> mx1# egrep -ic '... .. 11.*relay=*status=sent' /var/log/maillog
> 370
> I will ask  the customer to put in another MB.
> But I still feel there's something throttling amavis with the current
> hardware. This machine groans on passing 900 - 1100 msgs/hour?  I
> think it can do a lot better.

  You are definitely right; it seems to me there is still something
very wrong with your setup.  Your messages should be taking no more
than 2 or 3 seconds each to go through amavisd.

  Have you double-checked what DNSBLs and other network services you
are querying from SpamAssassin, and made sure you are not querying a
dead or blocked DNSBL, an unconfigured or misconfigured Razor, or
something of the kind?  A network query which was taking 20 seconds or
so to timeout and fail on each message might explain your performance

  -- Clifton
    Clifton Royston  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       President  - I and I Computing * http://www.iandicomputing.com/
 Custom programming, network design, systems and network consulting services

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