
> I was trying to setup dkim and I'm running into problem. I've generated
> the key with "amavisd genrsa /path/to/key.pem" and put this into the
> configuration file:
> $enable_dkim_signing = 1;
> dkim_key('dogan.ch','abc',
>  '/opt/csw/var/amavisn/db/dkim/dogan.ch.key.pem');

At this point you must export public keys and publish them in DNS.
The command:
  # amavisd showkeys
will produce the required text section to stdout, which must then
be inserted into a DSN zone file, and a zone reloaded.

> When I run "amavisd testkeys" I'm getting this error:
> TESTING: abc._domainkey.dogan.ch => invalid (public key: not
> available)

This will go away once you publish a public key in DNS.


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