
> in my amavisd-new configuration I have left the default setting for
> mynetwork parameters.
> # @mynetworks = qw( [::1] [FE80::]/10 [FEC0::]/10
> #          );
> Well! I have a long list of network (and this changes often). I maintain
> it through a mysql table.
> Is it possible to do so that @mynetworks amavisd-new parameter is read
> from the database?

Paradoxically, a simpler solution in your case is to use a more
complex MTA+amavisd setup, letting MTA separate mail into originating
(=locally submitted) and all the rest, and feeding each flow
on a separate amavisd port.

When code sections in current versions of amavisd need to know whether
mail is originating from local users or not, they only consult a state of
a flag $originating. This includes deciding whether mail is eligible to
DKIM signing or not.

The $originating flag can be set by a policy bank:
  originating => 1
or can be set implicitly by matching a client IP address against the
@mynetworks list of local networks. See release notes for version 2.5.0.

Up to version 2.5.0 the implicit way was the only mechanism available,
so @mynetworks needed to be set correctly.

Starting with 2.5.0 the @mynetworks is mostly just a convenient
legacy mechanism for implicitly setting the $originating flag.
Use it if you only have few local networks and no roaming authenticated
mail submitters, otherwise just set $originating flag explicitly by a
port-based policy bank and can forget about @mynetworks.


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