
> I'm implementing DKIM signing into amavisd-new and I am quite successful
> until now. Everything works just fine.
> But can I avoid entering hundrets of domains into the amavis configuration
> file by reading the domains out of a text file with read_hash?

Yes, but not with read_hash.

> I tried but it did not work. I would like to use the same DKIM key
> for all our domains because I think this is not a problem and much easier.

Remember that a config file is just a perl program. Write a short
loop that reads your domains and calls dkim_key for each of them:

    or die "Can't open domains file: $!";
  while (<IN>) {
    chomp; s/\s*#.*$//; next if $_ eq '';
    dkim_key($_, 'sel', '/var/db/dkim/good-for-most.key.pem');
  close(IN) or die "Can't close: $!";

> Or is it a real problem and useless using the same key for a
> bunch of domains? 

It is supported and valid to use the same signing key for
multiple domains. Starting with 2.6.2 this is also memory efficient,
only one copy of a key is stored in memory when the same key file
is specified with multiple dkim_key calls.


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