On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 18:40:49 +0100, Mark Martinec wrote:
> I agree it is too long. I'll make the following change:

Perfect. Thanks!

> Each temporary failure should leave behind preserved temporary
> directory, along with a mail message (email.txt), available for
> later examination. The directory path should be logged:
>   PRESERVING EVIDENCE in /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090316T182947-15812
> but can also be deduced from a process ID or timestamp of
> the failing task.

Unfortunately, this is not the case when using amavisd-milter with
$bypass_decode_parts = 1, because amavisd-milter creates the temporary
file and deletes it when it's done. Is there any possibility to preserve
evidence in that case? What about quarantining? That would be very
practical (easy release).


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