
i'm trying to activate the pen pals / bounce killer feature. 

i'm using amavisd-new 2.6.2 on debian lenny. i configured storage_sql_dsn 
for logging. lookup is done in ldap. Full configuration here: 

i've configured a policybank SMTP and Submission. Postfix will send port 
25 to SMTP and 587 to Submission. Log says that's working. I read such 

"Passed CLEAN, SMTP"
"Passed CLEAN, Submission LOCAL"

For policy bank submission i turned on "originating => 1", as you just 
can send if your authenticated - is this the "LOCAL" part of the syslog 

How does amavisd decide if a sender is local if he sends authenticated by 
port 25? i've read that every address that it finds in LDAP is considered 
local. shoudn't it then also mention "LOCAL" in syslog entries, how do I 
know that amavisd knows that it's a local mail?

as i've configured port 25 for smtpd_proxy_filter i don't know a method 
how to redirect port25-authenticated users to a policy bank with 
"originating => 1".

- Thomas

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