Am/On Mon, 6 Apr 2009 16:40:02 +0200 schrieb/wrote Mark Martinec:

>> since I installed the last version of amavis-new (2.6.2) on my Leopard
>> Server (Mac OS 10.5.6 - G4 PPC) I find this in my log:
>> TempDir::prepare: directory /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090404T081020-07274
>> has 2 subdirectories
>> Everything works so far, I don't see any problems, looks in the moment
>> more like a cosmetic issue.
>Seems the common Unix FS logic that a directory's link count matches
>the number of subdirectories + 2 does not apply to a Mac OX file system.
>This is just a warning, you may safely ignore it (or remove it).
>I'll revoke the check for 2.6.3, thank!
>It would be interesting to know what is the extra subdirectory linked to
>from that /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090404T081020-07274.
>One is a '.', one is a '..', one is a 'parts', but it seems there is
>an additional directory there in your case.

that is the thing, which actually puzzles me .... every time I look,
there are no 2 folders inside.
It's only one called parts plus one file called email.txt
the parts folder is actually empty, the older ones a have 1 file inside
called p001

There are no links or aliases in the tmp folder.

the warning doesn't appear often, only sometimes
So either the second folder gets immediately created and deleted or the
TempDir needs some new glasses ;-)


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