
> afte having rearead a lot of the documentation, and emails from the past,
> I realised that I hab been wrong about my assumption regarding the
> variable
> @bypass_banned_checks_acl = qw( );
> This, I now realise, makes sure that the emailaddresses listed get their
> banned files and does not, as I had assumed, allow them to send banned
> files.
> However what I need to do is to make exceptions for "senders" being able
> to bypass the ruleset. I have read about the suggestions for postfix. I am
> however using sendmail and milter.
> Has anyone done this, is there a possible solution using milter?

Some ensurance about the sender validity must be used, and based on that,
a policy bank can be loaded which lifts the banning rules restrictions.
There is intentionally no simple mechanism to do that based on only
the sender's claimed e-mail address.

Are you refering to incoming or outgoing mail? For outgoing mail
one can load a policy bank based on client's IP address.
For incoming mail, a policy bank can be loaded based on a
DKIM signature in a message using the @author_to_policy_bank_maps.

With the AM.PDP protocol, there is another way of loading a
policy bank. The AM.PDP request can specify a list of policy
banks to be loaded, e.g.:
I don't know if Petr's milter supports this feature,
it's been available since amavisd-new-2.5.0 .


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