
> Is there any way to block outgoing but allow incoming extensions with
> amavis? I tried to create policies but found out that sending e-mails
> with extensions to both and internal and external address triggers the
> policy that allows the extensions to go through, not blocking the
> outgoing e-mail. A postfix limitation actually. Anyone has done it
> before? I could really use some help here.

A policy bank applies to a message as a whole, so if you need per-recipient
handling (e.g. nonlocal vs. local recipient domain, i.e. outbound vs.
inbound + internal-to-internal) you need to use a per-recipient setting
like @banned_filename_maps

> Thanks, that did the trick. I just needed to allow one specific user to
> send attachments, so I inserted his IP address at @mynetworks like this:
> ! to bypass the MYNETS policy,

You could create a dedicated policy bank for this client,
and let Postfix choose a dedicated TCP port base of this.

Now with 2.6.3 this can be achieved without Postfix assistance
by using a @client_ipaddr_policy, which maps client's IP address
to a policy bank name, e.g.:

    @client_ipaddr_policy = (
      [qw( )] => 'SPECIAL-CLIENT',
      \...@mynetworks => 'MYNETS',

Now, set your global $banned_filename_re to whatever you need as
a default (for all other clients),  then for this particular client
set up a special set of banning rules, which will apply only when
the special policy bank is loaded:

%banned_rules = (
    qr'.\.(exe|vbs|pif|scr|bat|cmd|com|cpl)$'i, # banned extension
    qr'^\.(exe-ms)$',    # banned file(1) types
    qr'.\.(asf|asx|mpg|mpe|mpeg|avi|mp3|wav|wma|wmf|wmv|mov|vob)$'i, ),
    qr'^application/'i,  # block this MIME type
  'DEFAULT' => $banned_filename_re,

$policy_bank{'SPECIAL-CLIENT'} = {
  # leave internal-to-internal banning rules at default
  # but block most attachments on outbound mail
  banned_filename_maps => [
    {'.local.domain1' => 'DEFAULT',
     '.local.domain2' => 'DEFAULT',
     '.local.domain3' => 'DEFAULT',
     '.' => 'BLOCK-ATTACHMENTS',
   } ],


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