
> I have one question left open with using amavis bound to ldap:
> I do not have a @local_domains_maps, because amavisLocal is used in the
> ldap-objects of any user. If I understood it correctly, the policy bank
> MYUSERS is only used, if the domain was found in this map which I do not
> have.

Not really. The @local_domains_maps list implicitly gets LDAP or SQL
lookups prepended. So it makes no difference whether LDAP's amavisLocal
or a statical lookup table provides a result, both are threated the
same, i.e. it is just a result from @local_domains_maps.

So this is not the reason why loading of MYUSERS does not work.

> Just tested my setup with a static @local_domains_maps, if the MYUSERS
> is being used, but unfortunately even this does not activate the policy
> bank.
> I have googled around and found information that originating must be set
> to have this policy-bank activated. But how can I do this?


amavisd-new-2.6.0 release notes :

- an additional requirement for loading a policy bank 'MYUSERS' is that
  'originating' flag must be on, which typically means that mail must
  be coming from internal networks or from authenticated roaming users
  to be able to load a policy bank 'MYUSERS';

So, the 'originating' flag must be set. It can be set implicitly
through @mynetworks, which you said you have at:

@mynetworks = qw( [::1] [FE80::]/10 [FEC0::]/10

or it can be set explicitly, typically through some policy bank
triggered by MTA when it sees an authenticated roaming user.

See release notes, search for:

- policy banks now contain a new key 'originating', which generalizes
  a previously hard-wired policy bank MYNETS. It is a boolean ...

So, in your tests, was a message not submitted from one of the
networks listed in your @mynetworks list?

A main logging entry shows 'LOCAL' (through a macro %l)
when a message had 'originating' flag turned on, e.g.:



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