
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Daniel Luttermann <> wrote:
>> personally I can recommend these two howtos:

> The link above seems to be working fine however I start at step 10. I don't 
> have
> or am using a MySQL database for Postfix. My users are not in MySQL but 
> regular
> shell / bash users. I installed Postfix from 'apt' and got everything
> working and then
> used apt to install everything else the guide recommended from step 10 but I 
> am
> confused on one section...

> The guide linked above indicates I need to add the following to
> /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user

> @lookup_sql_dsn = (
>     ['DBI:mysql:database=mailserver;host=;port=3306',
>      'mailuser',
>      'mailuser2007']);

> $sql_select_policy = 'SELECT name FROM virtual_domains WHERE
> CONCAT("@",name) IN (%k)';

> I don't know really what that means however I am guessing since I am
> not following that guide
> to set up Postfix and a virtual user database in MySQL, I should skip this, 
> yes?

yes, you can skip this if you don't use a MySQL database. This setting
is important that amavisd-new knows what recipients are "local".

Note from amavisd.conf:

# The SQL select clause to fetch per-recipient policy settings.
# The %k will be replaced by a comma-separated list of query addresses
# (e.g. full address, domain only (stripped level by level), and a
# catchall).

In this "policy" in your MySQL database you could set different spam
scores for this user, you could set that the recipient is a "virus
lover" which would pass virues to this recipient...

If you don't use MySQL you've to set such values in 50-user for
example or in "text files" which you could load by amavisd-new.

An example for 50-user:

$sa_tag2_level_deflt = 5.0;
@spam_lovers_maps = (
["postmast...@$mydomain", '', ''],

For different spam scores you can set:

@spam_tag2_level_maps = (
 { '' => 8.0, '' => 6.0 },
 \$sa_tag2_level_deflt,   # catchall default

If you've only a few users it's OK to set this in 50-user.

Example for read_hash from local text file (more users, seperate from
config file...):

$sa_tag2_level_deflt = 5.0;
@spam_tag2_level_maps = (read_hash("/etc/amavis/conf.d/sa-recipient"),

File "sa-recipient":  5.0 10.0

This should work.

Some things are easier if you use databases but it's not a
requirement. Some features of amavisd (like "pen pals"= can only be
used with MySQL (or another SQL-DB) but not everybody need all


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