On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 3:58 PM, Nathan M<locu.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> We have roughly a 50GB quarantine table on a MySQL InnoDB database.
> Running amavisd-new-2.6.2.  I want to do some maintenance on the
> quarantine table; however, am concerned it is going to take many many
> hours to complete.  My goal is to not stop email delivery; however, I
> do not mind holding up quarantine emails destined for the SQL
> quarantine table.
> I believe if I perform my maintenance as intended the inserts into the
> quarantine table will eventually overwhelm the available amavisd
> processes on the server while waiting for the SQL lock to finally
> timeout and defer the message.
> What's an elegant way to overcome this?
> I'm thinking, if I can tell Amavis to give-up on a locked db after 5
> seconds (instead of whatever the default is, seems like it's maybe
> 60s?) those messages would just end up deferred throughout the
> maintenance and postfix cleanup will re-present them to amavisd for
> quarantine later on.  Thoughts on this process?  Is there a simple way
> to crank down the insert timeout in Amavis?  Perhaps an additional
> argument in the @storage_sql_dsn config parameter?

OK, everything I've tried has failed as far as failing quicker on a
locked table.  It seems all the settings just quietly go ignored.
Quite aggravating.  I've tried wait_timeout, table_lock_wait_timeout,
innodb_lock_wait_timeout both global and local.  Still I've waited up
to 10 minutes for these to timeout with amavis and they don't.  I'm
not sure when they eventually do.

Here's a pretty ugly, but seemingly effective solution I believe will
work, which I may try out this weekend.

Instead of attempting to modify the timeout so it times out sooner and
goes back to the deferred queue, if I monkey with the SQL insert
statement itself and invalidate it within amavisd.  Something like:

    'ins_quar' =>
      'INSERT INTO quarantine (partition_tagBREAKME, mail_id,
chunk_ind, mail_text)'.
      ' VALUES (?,?,?,?)',

That produces:
451-4.5.0 Error in processing, id=12287-01, quar+notif FAILED:
temporarily unable to quarantine: 451 4.5.0 Storing to sql db as
mail_id qMlq3hbU0so2 failed: writing mail text to SQL failed: Error
closing, flush: sql inserting text failed, sql exec: err=1054, S1000,
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'partition_tagBREAKME'
in 'field list' at (eval 98) line 166, <GEN1474> line 218

Which throws only messages destined for the quarantine back into the
deferred queue.

Once maintenance is complete, I can repair my "wrench" in amavisd, and
just postfix flush, and they all should be picked up from deferred
queue, and re-processed through amavisd with the unbroken query.

This took me way too long to figure out.  I'm hoping my theory is solid.

Anybody more familiar with amavisd than I have any notes of caution
about this plan before I attempt it on live data?

Thanks.  If this works, I'd like to throw in a feature request within
amavisd to include a config setting that handles this type of scenario
more gracefully; something like:
$defer_quarantine = 0;     // Set to 1 to automatically defer anything
destined for quarantine (useful for db maint)

- N

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