
> The system is a virtualized Debian Lenny with the maximum amount of
> RAM recommended by VMware: 900 MB.
> When send a first mail through the system (after a long period of no
> mail activity) it takes 20 to 25 seconds to pass. The next mails take
> only 1 or 2 seconds to pass. Now I have marked out all scanners, so:
> in -> postfix -> amavis -> postfix -> out
> first mail: 20-25 sec
> next mails 1-2 sec
> When amavis is pulled out it also takes 1 or 2 seconds for the 1st mail.
> That's why I "think" it's amavis related.

Try turning up amavisd log level to 5, and perhaps also capture the
TCP traffic between MTA and amavisd, then examine (and compare)
timestamps and see where the delay occurs.

Possibly even the 'TIMING' log reports at log level 2 may be able
to tell what takes so long.


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