> > no posts since the 17th?  system down?
> > I noticed nothing in archives either.
> Maybe aMaViSd-new is just so good, that no-one needs help.
> Of all of the anti-x components in my chain, amavisd requires the least
> tinkering...

I apologize for dedicating less time to the mailing list recently
than would be respectful to the people using amavisd, and less time
than I would like. It is indeed true that the current version is
pretty stable, but still I do have a couple of noncritical fixes
and some new features done or in the works.

As some of the recent features in amavisd depend on new features made
available in SpamAssassin 3.3 (SVN trunk), and as the 3.3.0 release
is nearing, I'm spending most of my free time helping to finish up
the SA 3.3.0, as it will be much less comfortable to add any changes
to SA later, after the official release. As amavisd users will benefit
too, I do not feel too much guilt for doing that :)

I know there are a couple of unanswered posts on one mailing lists.
I'm grateful to experienced users helping to answer most of the
more routine questions. I'll try to dedicate more time to the ML
in the near future, thanks for the patience.


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