On Jan 28, 2010, at 8:34 PM, Mark Martinec wrote:

> Stefan,
>> My amavis-configuration contains the following setting:
>> @local_domains_maps = (
>>  read_hash("/etc/postfix/localhost"),
>>  read_hash("/etc/postfix/virtualdomains")
>> );
>> The file localhost contains all names of the current host (e.g.
>> "localhost", "mail.example.com" etc.). The file virtualdomains
>> contains all postfix virtual domains this host is responsible
>> for.
>> The file virtualdomains is used by both postfix and amavisd-new,
>> so when I add a new virtual domain, I have to change only this
>> file, so postfix will accept mails to this domain, and amavisd-new
>> will handle this domain as a local one (i.e. adding spam tags
>> to mails targeted to this domain etc.).
>> Now I have moved all my virtual-domain and virtual-alias definition
>> into an LDAP server, so postfix does no longer use file-based lookups,
>> but searches for this information in LDAP.
>> Is there a way to make amavisd-new use these LDAP based virtual-domain
>> information, too?
> Yes there is:
> Special handling of optional LDAP attribute 'amavisLocal'
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> A special shorthand is provided when LDAP lookups are used: when a match
> for a recipient address (or domain) is found in LDAP tables (regardless of
> attribute values), the recipient is considered local, regardless of static
> @local_domains_acl or %local_domains lookup tables. This simplifies
> life when a large number of dynamically changing domains is hosted.
> To overrule this behaviour, have an explicit boolean attribute 'amavisLocal'
> with a value of True returned for each local domain, and False for other
> domains which might be present in LDAP for some reason, but are nonlocal.
> In general LDAP lookups are similar to SQL lookups except for the low level
> LDAP/SQL specific code. The overall functionality, lookup rules, etc. are
> identical.
> So, it usually suffices to just provide any attribute for each local
> domain, and defaults will suffice.

Still confused about how to config in Amavisd, any example?

Best Regards.

Zhang Huangbin

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