On 3/19/10, Gary V  wrote:
> On 3/19/10, Jorge Armando Medina  wrote:
> > Sasa wrote:
> > > If I have understood correctly the value of 'smtp-amavis' must be always
> > > equal or less of 'max_servers', in my configuration I have:
> > >
> > > $max_servers = 10;
> > > and
> > > smtp-amavis unix -      -       n       -       5  smtp
> > >
> > > or pheraps these value must always equal ?
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > ------
> > >
> > >    Salvatore.
> Since you are using Maia, they should be equal. If you were using
> amavisd-release (which you are not) a person may set $max_servers to
> one more than maxproc so there is a spare instance available for
> amavisd-release to use should all the others be busy.
> You are wasting memory if you load 10 instances of Maia into memory,
> and then only actually use 5. If you were at 2 before, I would not
> make such a large increase, as you may start swap thrashing (if you
> are not already). I would start by setting both to 3 (50% more than
> you had before) and then monitor the situation. It might also be a
> good idea to temporarily increase $log_level to 2 and then provide a
> sample or two of the TIMING line.
> filter:~# tail -f /var/log/mail.log | grep TIMING
> Mar 19 14:50:34 filter amavis[3633]: (03633-01) TIMING [total 478 ms]
> - sql-prepare: 13 (3%), SMTP EHLO: 10 (2%), SMTP pre-MAIL: 4 (1%),
> mkdir tempdir: 1 (0%), create email.txt: 1 (0%), sql-connect: 9 (2%),
> lookup_sql: 6 (1%), SMTP pre-DATA-flush: 5 (1%), SMTP DATA: 14 (3%),
> body_hash: 2 (0%), maia_connect: 6 (1%), maia_read_system_config: 3
> (1%), maia_get_mysql_size_limit: 2 (0%), mkdir parts: 1 (0%),
> lookup_sql: 4 (1%), mime_decode: 30 (6%), get-file-type1: 135 (28%),
> decompose_part: 2 (0%), parts_decode: 0 (0%), update_cache: 5 (1%),
> maia_store_mail: 29 (6%), deal_with_mail_size: 4 (1%),
> maia_record_tests: 6 (1%), maia_delete_mail_recipient_reference: 4
> (1%), fwd-connect: 47 (10%), fwd-mail-from: 3 (1%), fwd-rcpt-to: 5
> (1%), write-header: 9 (2%), fwd-data: 1 (0%), fwd-data-end: 49 (10%),
> fwd-rundown: 19 (4%), main_log_entry: 37 (8%), update_snmp: 4 (1%),
> maia_delete_mail: 7 (2%), maia_cleanup: 0 (0%), maia_disconnect: 1
> (0%), unlink-1-files: 3 (1%), rundown: 1 (0%)
> If you have not had problems before, disabling the cache will hurt
> rather that help.
> $enable_db = 1;
> $enable_global_cache = 1;
> What does the top of 'top' say? For example:
> top - 14:51:53 up 6 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.14, 0.37, 0.23
> Tasks:  63 total,   1 running,  62 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
> Cpu(s):  0.3%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
> Mem:    775728k total,   450604k used,   325124k free,    24340k buffers
> Swap:   240932k total,        0k used,   240932k free,   159924k cached

You might take a look at:

and also try to look for amavis errors in your log:

/var/log/maillog | grep amavis

Gary V

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