
> in release notes I see that if I set DSPAM I can use headers for
> spamassassin rules, like:
>      header DSPAM_SPAM X-DSPAM-Result =~ /^Spam$/m
>      describe DSPAM_SPAM DSPAM claims it is spam
>      score DSPAM_SPAM 0.5
>      header DSPAM_HAM X-DSPAM-Result =~ /^Innocent$/m
>      describe DSPAM_HAM DSPAM claims it is ham
>      score DSPAM_HAM -0.1
> I tried, but this doesn't work. The email has the X-SPAMD-Result
> header correctly set, but it is not parsed by SpamAssassin.

That used to be the case for early integration of dspam into amavisd,
but has been changed with the introduction of @spam_scanners list with
amavisd-new-2.6.3. See release notes, searching for '@spam_scanners'.

Now the dspam or crm114 header fields are only inserted into a
passed or quarantined message, but are not visible from one
spam scanner to another.

The scores from all spam scanners are added, though. This is currently
the only way to combine results from multiple spam scanners.


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