> Marco,

> That used to be the case for early integration of dspam into amavisd,
> but has been changed with the introduction of @spam_scanners list with
> amavisd-new-2.6.3. See release notes, searching for '@spam_scanners'.
> Now the dspam or crm114 header fields are only inserted into a
> passed or quarantined message, but are not visible from one
> spam scanner to another.

Hi Mark,
thank you, now what happens it is clear.

Maybe, using spamassassin rules I could make more complexes  
evaluations, as suggested by dspam.pm plugin:

For example, I can combine confidence and probability in spam score.

I've written little patch for amavisd 2.6.4:

< #    $spam_score = $dspam_result eq 'Spam' ? 10 : -1;  # fabricated
<     my $dspam_prob = $header_field{lc('X-DSPAM-Probability')};
<     my $dspam_conf = $header_field{lc('X-DSPAM-Confidence')};
<     chomp($dspam_prob);  chomp($dspam_conf);
<     $spam_score = ($dspam_prob-0.5)*$dspam_conf*20;
<     if ($header_field{lc('X-DSPAM-Class')} eq 'Whitelisted')  
{$spam_score = -10;}
>     $spam_score = $dspam_result eq 'Spam' ? 10 : -1;  # fabricated

This is what I mean.
It could use a more complicated spread function on spam score, above  
spam score is equally likely from -10 to 10.

Can I add above code on my amavisd.conf without modify official amavisd code?

Thank you very much

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