
> Since the change from using 'amavisd sa-debug' has been removed I was
> beginning to use 'amavisd -d 5' to invoke to look at additional debug
> output for SpamAssassin. Unfortunately, this does not appear to give as
> much detail to the tests being performed that amavisd sa-debug did.
> I see the call to SA -- and then a resulting spam scan score, but
> nothing regarding the actual tests being performed.
> This is using amavisd-new 2.6.4 along with spamassassin 3.2.5.
> Am I not invoking this properly? Or is /var/log/maillog with the rest of
> the amavisd logs not where I should be looking for this output? Have I
> misinterpreted the information provided in the documentation/changelog?

Add 'debug areas' (a SpamAssassin term) to the list in a -d option, e.g.:

  amavisd -d 5,all
  amavisd -d noall,rules,dkim

amavisd-new-2.6.0 release notes:

- semantics of a command line option 'debug-sa' has changed due to a merge
  of SpamAssassin logging with a mainstream amavisd logging mechanism.
  A command 'amavisd debug-sa' is now equivalent to 'amavisd -d all' with
  an implied redirection of all logging to stderr. Previously it only rerouted
  SpamAssassin logging to stderr but did not affect normal amavisd logging,
  which still followed the usual $DO_SYSLOG and $LOGFILE settings.

  Also, a SpamAssassin log level 'info' is now turned on by default (as was
  previously achievable by a command line option '-d info'), and shows merged
  with a normal amavisd logging at level 1 or higher.

  The following table shows mapping of SpamAssassin log levels to amavisd
  log levels, and for completeness also shows mapping of amavisd log levels
  to syslog priorities (which has not changed since previous version):

    SA     amavisd  syslog
    -----  -------  -----------
             -3     LOG_CRIT
             -2     LOG_ERR
    error    -1     LOG_WARNING
    warn      0     LOG_NOTICE
    info      1     LOG_INFO
              2     LOG_INFO
    dbg       3     LOG_DEBUG
              4     LOG_DEBUG
              5     LOG_DEBUG


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