On 4/22/2010 9:53 AM, Mark Martinec wrote:
> Clay,
>> Since the change from using 'amavisd sa-debug' has been removed I was
>> beginning to use 'amavisd -d 5' to invoke to look at additional debug
>> output for SpamAssassin. Unfortunately, this does not appear to give as
>> much detail to the tests being performed that amavisd sa-debug did.
>> I see the call to SA -- and then a resulting spam scan score, but
>> nothing regarding the actual tests being performed.
>> This is using amavisd-new 2.6.4 along with spamassassin 3.2.5.
>> Am I not invoking this properly? Or is /var/log/maillog with the rest of
>> the amavisd logs not where I should be looking for this output? Have I
>> misinterpreted the information provided in the documentation/changelog?
> Add 'debug areas' (a SpamAssassin term) to the list in a -d option, e.g.:
>    amavisd -d 5,all
> or
>    amavisd -d noall,rules,dkim
> amavisd-new-2.6.0 release notes:
> - semantics of a command line option 'debug-sa' has changed due to a merge
>    of SpamAssassin logging with a mainstream amavisd logging mechanism.
>    A command 'amavisd debug-sa' is now equivalent to 'amavisd -d all' with
>    an implied redirection of all logging to stderr. Previously it only 
> rerouted
>    SpamAssassin logging to stderr but did not affect normal amavisd logging,
>    which still followed the usual $DO_SYSLOG and $LOGFILE settings.
>    Also, a SpamAssassin log level 'info' is now turned on by default (as was
>    previously achievable by a command line option '-d info'), and shows merged
>    with a normal amavisd logging at level 1 or higher.
>    The following table shows mapping of SpamAssassin log levels to amavisd
>    log levels, and for completeness also shows mapping of amavisd log levels
>    to syslog priorities (which has not changed since previous version):
>      SA     amavisd  syslog
>      -----  -------  -----------
>               -3     LOG_CRIT
>               -2     LOG_ERR
>      error    -1     LOG_WARNING
>      warn      0     LOG_NOTICE
>      info      1     LOG_INFO
>                2     LOG_INFO
>      dbg       3     LOG_DEBUG
>                4     LOG_DEBUG
>                5     LOG_DEBUG
> Mark

Ok, it looks like I was just misinterpreting what I was reading 
previously in the release notes snippet you included. As i was just 
issuing an 'amavid -d 5' or 'amavisd -d 3' without the 'debug areas' 
specificed it is falling back to the 'info' option which is enabled by 

So to get full SpamAssassin related debug a command of amavisd -d 3,all 
(or a specific deubg area) i.e. 'amavisd -d 3,rules' would suffice given 
the documented and included chart as well. Which can be pushed up to 
level 5 for additional amavisd-new related debug. Correct?

Thanks for the additional clarification.


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