On 5/5/2010 10:00 PM, John Robinson wrote:
> Hello all,
> As this is my first post to this list, please bear with me if my
> description or supplied info is not all that is required.
> I have 2 mail gateways running on Debian Lenny. I have installed and
> configured the following according to this guide :
> http://www200.pair.com/mecham/spam/spamfilter20090215.html#notes
> Debian - 5.0.4 (kernel 2.6.26-2-amd64)
> Postfix - 2.5.5-1.1
> amavis - 2.6.4
> clamav - 0.95.3+dfsg-1
> spamassassin - 3.2.5-2+Lenny2
> postgrey - 1.31-3.2
> My problem is that about once a week the servers (at different times and
> not consistently) will start queuing mail
> and will not route it out. They still accept inbound smtp connections to
> port 25 but will not pass them on to amavis ?!?
> In the log files I find entries such as the one below :
> May 5 06:46:27 mailgateway00 postfix/smtp[1525]: DC2C114C68B:
> to=<u...@domain.com>, relay=[]:10024, delay=300,
> delays=0.13/0.01/300/0, dsn=4.4.2, status=deferred (conversation with
>[] timed out while receiving the initial server
> greeting)
> executing "mailq" on the server reveals a similar message in the mail
> queue
> (delivery temporarily suspended: conversation with[]
> timed out while receiving the initial server greeting)
>                      u...@domain.com
> The only way I have been able to fix the problem so far is to restart the
> whole server. Mail will then route until the next time this happens.

Just to clarify, I'm assuming you're referring to amavisd-new 
and not some other variant of amavis, because all the others 
are dead projects and should be avoided.

(continue, assuming all references are for amavisd-new)

General debug strategy:
- do you have plenty of RAM?  Spamassassin and clam can really 
chew up some megs.
- any errors in the log from about the time mail stops?  Look 
before the "deferred" messages start showing up.
- what's the last thing amavis logs?
- can you telnet to the amavis port?
- does the amavisd-nanny program tell you anything 
interesting?  (run it a few times when things are normal so 
you know what it should look like).
- does restarting amavisd get mail flowing within a few 
minutes?  May require a "postfix flush" or waiting several 
minutes for postfix to realize that the destination is no 
longer dead.  Note: frequent "postfix flush" with a full queue 
is very bad for performance, so use sparingly.

I find it useful to run one "extra" amavis server process so 
that there will always be one free for testing.

If amavisd appears unresponsive, increasing the amavisd log 
level may help you pinpoint where the trouble is.


   -- Noel Jones

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