> $virus_check_negative_ttl=  3*60;  # time to cache contents as not infected
> $virus_check_positive_ttl= 30*60;  # time to cache contents as infected
> Are these seconds or minutes?
> > > I know. Note the lack of time units.
> > I was going by the "time to live in seconds" part.

I try to stick to SI units ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SI ),
unless boldly noted otherwise.

> > >> I suppose you could set it to zero and test.
> That works by the way.

Yes, 0 TTL effectively disables results caching.
It is not an exception, just a zero time interval,
which fits nicely into semantics.

> >> Nuclear option would be to disable caching
> >> $enable_global_cache = 0;
> > 
> > WHat does this affect? virus scanning, spam scanning, and ...?
> AFAIK only spam/virus scanning results.




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