On 5/21/2010 9:51 AM, Vianney Foucault wrote:
> Hello,
> I can't figure out how to tell amavis / spamassasin to not handle delivery 
> notification as SPAM
> thoses notifications are always treated as spam with :
> "Yes, score=x+100 tag=2 tag2=6.2 kill=6.9 tests=[AM:BOOST=100] 
> autolearn=unavailable"
> Does anyone can help ?
> regards.
> Vianney.
> ===========
> X-Envelope-From:<>
> X-Envelope-To:<-----...@-----------.fr>
> X-Envelope-To-Blocked:<-----...@-----------.fr>
> X-Quarantine-ID:<D9e02ODJJdV0>
> X-Spam-Flag: YES
> X-Spam-Score: 100
> X-Spam-Level: ****************************************************************
> X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=x+100 tag=2 tag2=6.2 kill=6.9 tests=[AM:BOOST=100] 
> autolearn=unavailable
> =============

Looks as if you've added the null sender "<>" to the 
amavisd-new soft whitelist/blacklist with a score of 100.
This is not a default setting.

Look in your amavisd.conf under @score_sender_maps

   -- Noel Jones


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