On 5/25/2010 8:29 AM, Mark Martinec wrote:
> Vianney,
>> I can't figure out how to tell amavis / spamassasin to not handle
>> delivery notification as SPAM thoses notifications are always treated
>> as spam with :
>> "Yes, score=x+100 tag=2 tag2=6.2 kill=6.9 tests=[AM:BOOST=100]"
>> Noel Jones writes:
>>> So it looks as if you've enabled the penpals and bounce killer
>>> features;
>> $penpals_bonus_score = undef;
>> $bounce_killer_score = 0;
>> did the trick. there were enabled (default setting).
>> Going to have a look at the documentation to see the effects.
> The score value 100 is typical for a $bounce_killer_score, so it looks
> like it was the bounce killer feature which concluded that the
> received bounce could not be in response to a previous outbound
> message, so was probably a response to a faked sender address
> sent by a third party, and should be ditched.
> I suggest to examine the (quarantined?) bounce message and see
> if it was a genuine response to some message from your site.
> If it was not, then the bounce killer did the right thing.
> If it was genuine, the original message was not found in
> SQL table msgs (Pen pals) for some reason. Perhaps you trimmed
> the table to less than five days recently.
> Examining the attached message header section in a bounce
> and comparing it to your log of outbound message at the
> indicated date/time may reveal why it could not be associated
> with a previous outbound message.
>    Mark

The OP previously stated this is an inbound-only server; 
outgoing mail uses a different path.  That's why I suggested 
disabling those features.

   -- Noel Jones


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