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Mark Martinec said the following on 21/06/10 17:14:

>> 08:15:08 amavis[14641]: (14641-01) policy protocol: request=AM.PDP
>> 08:15:08 amavis[14641]: (14641) (!!)policy_server FAILED: File
>> /var/amavis/tmp/email.txt does not exist at (eval 93) line 385, <GEN16>
>> line 2. 08:15:08 amavis[14641]: (14641) TIMING [total 2 ms] - got data: 0
>> (1%)1, rundown: 2 (99%)100
>> 08:15:08 amavis[14641]: (14641) (!!)policy_server FAILED: Missing 'request'
>> field at (eval 93) line 231, <GEN16> line 3.
>> 08:15:08 amavis[14641]: (14641) smtp session rundown stale sessions, idle
>> 39.7 s, smtp:[]:10025, state ehlo
>> 08:15:08 amavis[14641]: (14641) smtp session rundown, sending QUIT
>> 08:15:08 amavis[14641]: (14641) smtp cmd> QUIT
>> 08:15:08 amavis[14641]: (14641) smtp resp to QUIT: 221 2.0.0 Bye
>> 08:15:08 amavis[14643]: (14643-01) loaded policy bank "AM.PDP-SOCK"
> Looks like you are loading a policy bank AM.PDP-SOCK (which sets 'protocol'
> to 'AM.PDP') even on a SMTP session, which causes SMTP commands to be
> interpreted as AM.PDP commands and failing. Check your %interface_policy
> settings.

I commented out the "original" AP.PDP lines on amavisd.conf and the
"$interface_policy{'SOCK'} = 'AM.PDP-SOCK';" line

I put this:
$inet_socket_port = [10024,9998];
$interface_policy{'9998'} = 'AM.PDP';
$policy_bank{'AM.PDP'} = {
    protocol => 'AM.PDP',
    inet_acl => [qw( [::1] )],

But I still get this error:

Jul 27 17:00:01 mail amavis[6928]: (06928-04) loaded policy bank "AM.PDP"
Jul 27 17:00:01 mail amavis[6928]: (06928) (!!)policy_server FAILED: File
/var/amavis/tmp/email.txt does not exist at (eval 97) line 385, <GEN41> line 2.
Jul 27 17:00:01 mail amavis[6928]: (06928) TIMING [total 0 ms] - got data: 0
(1%)1, rundown: 0 (99%)100
Jul 27 17:00:01 mail amavis[6928]: (06928) (!!)policy_server FAILED: Missing
'request' field at (eval 97) line 231, <GEN41> line 3.
Jul 27 17:00:01 mail amavis[6927]: (06927-03) (!!)TROUBLE in process_request:
send failed in state 1: Broken pipe, fileno=12 at (eval 97) line 93.
Jul 27 17:00:01 mail amavis[6928]: (06928) TIMING [total 8 ms] - got data: 0
(0%)0, rundown: 8 (100%)100
Jul 27 17:00:01 mail amavis[6927]: (06927-03) (!)Requesting process rundown
after fatal error
Jul 27 17:00:02 mail amavis[7891]: TIMING [total 3 ms] - bdb-open: 3 (100%)100,
rundown: 0 (0%)100
Jul 27 17:00:02 mail amavis[7891]: storage and lookups will use the same
connection to SQL


- -- 
+--[Luigi Rosa]--

A little ignorance can go a long way... in the direction of maximum harm.
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