
>> solved my problem in Postfix.
> what was the answer? we are also on dwl.spamhaus.org
My setup is a bit complex, but I try to explain.

If using amavis with smtpd_proxy_filter, what I do for only incoming mails, 
then the headers of a mail are checked after amavis gives the mail back to 
postfix. Therefor you need a return path in master.cf that has _not_ 

At the other side, my users use the same MTA to send mail over a separate 
submission socket. To not make people angry, I chose content_filter, because it 
is okay to bounce locally generated spam to them back later. But here it is 
important to use a different return socket in postfix, which adds 
no_header_body_checks to the receive_overide_options.

What I currently do not know is how to tell amavis in a policy_bank 
(MYUSERS/MYNETS/LOCAL/ORIGINATING), to use a different forward_method. Not sure 
if this is done with @forward_method_maps in amavis-pre11. Maybe someone can 
give me a hint here ;-)

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