On 2018-10-08 09:37, Boris Gulay wrote:
Benny Pedersen писал 2018-10-08 00:18:
Boris Gulay skrev den 2018-10-07 21:24:
Benny Pedersen писал 2018-10-07 17:34:
Ralph Seichter skrev den 2018-10-07 14:48:
On 07.10.18 12:12, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
That's too a one man show?
See https://github.com/rspamd/rspamd/blob/master/AUTHORS.md
impresive that amavisd have less tickets
Because rspamd is actively maintained. Amavisd is not.

this does not hold water, since it could aswell be that amavisd is
more stable then rspamd

i have being using both at diffrent times, got more simple setup with
clamav-milter and spampd
Looks like it was long ago. rspamd can now also be installed as a
filter and it works "out of the box".
And one more impotent advantage of rspamd: it gives you access to
global SPAM databases like fuzzy and so on. Just take a look at
default config files. It improves spam detection of freshly installed

The problem is that if you've built an entire system/cluster, UI etc. etc. based on Amavis - it's not really plug-n-play to just change to rspamd.

Also rspamd replaces spamassassin, so you are looking at a change in spamfiltering technology/ruleset/config as well.

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