
I've been trying to get AmForth onto this Atmega 8 based platform:


Which is sold cheaply as a toy:


Already soldered the ISP connector and a serial TTL cable.  However,
AmForth (v6.9) does not seem to compile for Atmega8 in its current
version.  Copying the template directory and editing makefile to say
"MCU=atmega8", I'm getting a lot of compiler errors that indicate an
overflow of the RWW dictionary space:

../../avr8\amforth-interpreter.asm(4): error: Overlap in .cseg: addr=0xc00 
conflicts with 0x7a:0xc58
../../avr8\amforth-interpreter.asm(5): error: Overlap in .cseg: addr=0xc01 
conflicts with 0x7a:0xc58

If I randomly comment out words in avr/appl_2k.inc, I get a little
further.  However, then compilation errs out in the UART driver code and
complains about stuff in macros.asm:

../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(1): error: Undefined symbol: UBRR0L
../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(2): error: Undefined symbol: UBRR0H
../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(3): error: Undefined symbol: UCSR0C
../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(4): error: Undefined symbol: UCSR0B
../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(5): error: Undefined symbol: UCSR0A
../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(12): error: Undefined symbol: RXC0
../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(13): error: Undefined symbol: UDRE0
../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(14): error: Undefined symbol: TXEN0
../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(15): error: Undefined symbol: RXEN0
../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(16): error: Undefined symbol: RXCIE0
../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(17): error: Undefined symbol: UDRIE0
../../avr8\macros.asm(94): error: jmp k: Unsupported instruction on ATmega8
../../avr8\macros.asm(94): error: jmp k: Unsupported instruction on ATmega8
../../avr8\macros.asm(94): error: jmp k: Unsupported instruction on ATmega8
../../avr8\macros.asm(94): error: jmp k: Unsupported instruction on ATmega8

And this is even before I try to resolve all the problems arising from
the words that I commented out.

Maybe the Atmega8-specific code has been bit-rotting without being used
for too long already?  What do you think are my chances to make this
work again?  Any ideas what's wrong about the Uart drivers and how to
strip down AmForth to fit into 8 kB of flash?  Or has AmForth just
gotten too old and fat over the years to render this undertaking

(I did some experiments with an Arduino Uno clone first, and had no
problem compiling and setting up AmForth on it.)

Maybe the Arduboy [1] would be better suited to AmForth, but it's also
more costly and complex to program.  I'm also eyeing the uzebox [2], but
getting its video driver into AmForth would be a daunting endevour.



[2] http://belogic.com/uzebox/index.asp
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