
thanks to all of you for your helpful replies.  Was a little swamped
with work and didn't find time to revisit the amForth-on-Pong problem...
But with your comments so far, I think I'll give up on that idea.
Luckily I now have a half-assembled Uzebox with some first vital signs
(including a working grayscale video output), maybe this platform will
prove to be more tolerant WRT my amForth ambitions (but maybe not before
New Year).

>>>>> "Erich" == Erich Wälde <ew.fo...@nassur.net> writes:


> Arduboy features a atmega32u4. AmForth does not have support for the
> USB interface, should that be important.

Good to know, but it looks lika arduboy does not use the physical UART
pins [3], so maybe amForth could "just work" using those (at least if
you assemble your arduboy yourself anyway).

> uzebox features an atmega644 controller. Now that I use routinely and
> it has plenty of space.

Yes, time invested in getting amForth onto Uzebox will be better spent
than trying to make the Atmega-8 port work.  Partitioning the memory and
adding some inter-call code may even provide a simple way to integrate
"official" C/assembler board-support code (i.e. video, sound &
controller interface) with amForth.  Something like this [1-2] comes to
my mind.  Uzebox does not have a serial connector by default, but the
corresponding pins are unused, so no obstacles there.

> Dear David, you picked a new time sink, it seems. :-)

Unfortunately, a new time sink picked me :)  At least this is making
Playstations and Nintendo Switches look very boring in comparison :)



[1] http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/euroforth/ef10/papers/ertl.pdf
[2] https://forth-ev.de/wiki/res/lib/exe/fetch.php/vd-archiv:4d2010-04.pdf
; see definition of "call1"

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