yupss....betul bukan F/D yang penting detektor order gelondongan supaya bisa
detek paus.... biar tahu dimana neh DAPEN/ JAMSOSTEK main...wkwkwkwk..
Dulu gw ingat ada afl yg bisa detek kalau ada spike....hmmm mungkin tinggal
disesuaikan dengan JKSE...yang gelondongan biasanya displit 1000, 5000,
10000 tergantung nominal msng2 saham. Klo gak salah pernah ada di
traderji.com, ntar gw tanya om google siapa tahu nemu...


2010/7/31 5'2 <h15...@yahoo.com>

> Sbtlnya yg perlu bukan data F ato D-nya jika kita tahu bahwa F dan D bisa
> sangat mudah di"manipulasi" yg lbh penting adalah data frequensi ini utk
> mendetect order "gelondongan" dimana rata2 jika ada order gelondongan (size
> besar dan freq kecil) itu adalah dimana "BD" mulai terdetect masuk..
> Sayangnya hingga skrg data freq blum bs ditarik via amibroker y?
> With U absolutly can get it free, without U I'm Nothing
> ------------------------------
> *From: * Timur Langit <timurlangit.is.h...@gmail.com>
> *Sender: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
> *Date: *Sat, 31 Jul 2010 19:12:01 +0700
> *To: *amibroker-4-...@yahoogroups.com<amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com>
> *ReplyTo: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject: *Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] Input Tambahan Data Saham ke
> AmiBroker
> Ya, andai Integrity bisa simpan asing net buy volume sbg openint, number of
> ticks perday di aux1, lalu number of tick asing di aux2.   Weleh welehhhhh.
>   Maknyussss
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 31, 2010, at 6:21 PM, "Abdul Halim" <abdul.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jangankan 3 data tambahan, mau nambah 4, 5, 10 bahkan 1000 pun amibroker
> sanggup. Amibroker luar biasa
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> ------------------------------
> *From: * Eco Syariah <esyar...@gmail.com>
> *Sender: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
> *Date: *Sat, 31 Jul 2010 11:24:43 +0700
> *To: *<amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com>
> *ReplyTo: * amibroker-4-bei@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject: *[Komunitas AmiBroker] Input Tambahan Data Saham ke AmiBroker
> Dear Mas Dendo & Ami Users,
> *
> **Berikut cuplikan dari 
> internet<http://www.liberatedstocktrader.com/stock-price/>
> :* ....... Spread = Bid - Ask
> ====================================
> So what is in a stock price?  Quite a lot actually.  Remember 3 things
> 1.    BID to get RID
> 2.    ASK to BUY
> 3.    Be careful of large spreads.
> NOTE : Stocks with a large spread can be a problem.  It tells you 2
> important things:
> - The stock might not have a lot of liquidity, therefore it may be harder
> to sell at the price or time you wish to.
> - If you do buy a stock with a large spread, for example 2%.  This means
> you would need to make a profit of 2% on the stock just to break even.
> So be careful about the spread.
> =====================================
> Terlampir contoh Data ANTM yg diimpor Ami Quote dan contoh Data Yahoo ANTM.
> Terlihat bahwa masih ada space 2-3 kolom yg bisa ditambah dgn data lain
> (kolom Open interest, Aux1 dan Aux2).
> Pertanyaannya... bila memungkinkan... bagaimana menambahkan data tersebut
> saat kita donlod via Ami Quote... atau mungkin manual ?
> Thanks,
> ES**

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