hi all, so i am stuck with writing a script to automatically import quotes into ami, i dont see the updated quotes in ami after i run the script, even though i dont get any errors in running the script. please provide guidance.
script : importMyData(); function importMyData() { quotefile = "quotes.csv" AmiBroker = new ActiveXObject( "Broker.Application" ); AmiBroker.Import( 0, quotefile, "myformat.format" ); AmiBroker.RefreshAll(); } myformat.format : $FORMAT Ticker,Date_USA,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume $SKIPLINES 0 $SEPARATOR , $DEBUG 1 $AUTOADD 1 $CONT 1 $GROUP 254 $BREAKONERR 0 quotes.csv : has values downloaded from a eod server. ami version : 4.80 professional ( i know I can use the ami import wizard, but i want to write a nice script that will do it for all quotes I have in a folder) thanks for any ideas you can provide - invlearn