ACE, As I am still fairly new to AmiBroker, but do have a reasonable computer programming background, here are a few things that I am still working on...
1. LEARN how AB works with ARRAYS - not just from the intellectual standpoint (I already understand them), but the physical programming and referencing. 2. UNDERSTAND how to work with DATES - so I can turn ON/OFF some indicator code by dates. 3. UNDERSTAND Variables - not Arrays, but variables. Then expand it to Static, Dynamic, and Persistent. I used my general traditional programming language and ASSUMPTIONS and have been working with AFL as if it was a "standard" programming language like Metastock/Tradestation. NOT A GOOD APPROACH!! It took me a fair amount of time to get a handle on TradeStation programs running on every bar, and having variables done that way. I am still working on getting a handle on the Arrays, Dates, and variables. Thankfully this board has provided me some much needed assistance on specific issues when I am stuck. Good Luck and Good Trading Snoopy