Joe, I know and not what I want.  I want to learn this in Javascript.  Take 

--- In, "Joe Landry" <jelan...@...> wrote:
> Hello Bert:  Unless you're really interested in working with jScript you can 
> do clear and build without it. 
> Something I put together using Bruce's FT utilities.  As the instructions 
> say, careful what your paramlist in the 
> Autoanalyzer function is set to, cause it will erase the number that resides 
> there. 
> Joe 
> // Builds a watchlist from a FastTrack Family
> // May 2005  JEL 
> // Uses the Bruce Robinson's utilities to get a family from the
> // FastTrack data base 
> // Will look in C:\FT\FTDEF   in USERDEF and in FT4WIN for the family named
> // in the parameter list below. 
> // Careful of what watchlist you point this to because it will empty it first
> // then fill it with the FT Family
> // How to Run in Autoanalyzer window
> // 1) Set RANGE to LAST QUOTATIONS = 1
> // 2) Set APPLY TO CURRENT SYMBOL a stock with lots of data bars/history a 
> money market or XOM
> // 3) Select PARAMETERS button and ENTER the Watchlist LIST you want to ERASE 
> and REFILL
> // 4) Select FastTrack Family   jerryall   or myfam  upper or lower case. 
> // 5) Press SCAN, to transfer the tickers from the FT FAM to the WATCHLIST of 
> your choosing 
> #pragma nocache
> #include <>
> script = GetScriptObject(); 
> WLNum = Param("Watchlist Number",7,1,60,1);
> FamName= ParamStr("FT Family Name","BD-Junk");  // Looks in FTDEF, USERDEF 
> and FT4WIN 
> if ( Status("action") == 3 )
> { 
>  // ****************  File Ops Clears and Rebuilds a Watchlist 
> ********************
>  currentlist    = CategoryGetSymbols( categoryWatchlist, WLNum );
>  for (i = 0; (member = StrExtract(currentlist, i)) != ""; i++)
>   CategoryRemoveSymbol( member, categoryWatchlist, WLNum );
>  // **************** Get the FT Family 
> **********************************************
>  List = script.FTGetFam(FamName);   
>  for( i = 0; ( sym = StrExtract( list, i ) ) != ""; i++ )
>  {
>  CategoryAddSymbol(sym,categoryWatchlist,WLNUM); 
>  }
>  Buy=Sell=0;  // this fakes out the AmiBroker AutoAnalyzer
>  //           and lets you run the program without an error indication. 
> }
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: bistrader 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 9:29 AM
>   I am working on a Java Script and am taking one step at a time. I want this 
> section of the js to empty a watchlist. I have googled a lot and have 
> commands that are javascript and visual basic. This is my error, but I am 
> learning. Here is what I have on this should so far. Help appreciated.
>   // emptyWatchlist.js
>   // This Java Script file should:
>   // 1. Load a Database
>   // 2. Call a function to empty a watchlist. This function ...
>   // a. Creates an afl
>   // b. Runs an exploration on this afl to empty watchlist 10.
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   // Create AmiBroker object and get Analysis object
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   var AB, AA, i;
>   AB = new ActiveXObject("Broker.Application");
>   AA = AB.Analysis;
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   // Load Database
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   AB.LoadDatabase("C:\\Amibroker\\FastTrack");
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   // Load Reference Ticker into AmiBroker
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   AB.ActiveDocument.Name = "RUT-I"; // Set RUT-I as reference ticker
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   // Empty Watchlist 10
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   var WatchlistNumber = 10
>   WLEmpty_Directory = "C:\\Amibroker\\Temp\\";
>   WLEmpty_ExploreFileName = "";
>   WLEmpty_ExploreFile = WlEmpty_Directory + WLEmpty_ExploreFileName; 
>   //Call emptyWatchlist; // does not work?
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   // Afl Code to Empty a Watchlist
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   var Emptya = "list = GetCategorySymbols( categoryWatchlist, ";// Add 
> watchlist number later
>   var Emptyb = " );"; // Use Chr(34) later to add quotes
>   var Emptyc = "for( i = 0; ( sym = StrExtract( list, i ) ) != ";
>   var Emptyd = "; i++ )";
>   var Emptye = "{";
>   var Emptyf = " CategoryRemoveSymbol(sym, categoryWatchlist, ";
>   var Emptyg = " );";
>   var Emptyh = " Filter=1;";
>   var Emptyi = "}";
>   var Emptyj = "AddTextColumn(sym ,";// Use Chr(34) later to add quotes
>   var Emptyk = "Ticker";
>   var Emptyl = ");";
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   // Function to create an afl that will Empty a Watchlist
>   // ----------------------------------------------------------
>   function emptyWatchlist
>   {
>   Dim bolResult
>   Dim FrmlaFile
>   var Result = WSH.popup("Emptying a Watchlist")
>   var FrmlaFile = FS.CreateTextFile(WLEmpty_ExploreFile, True)
>   With FrmlaFile
>   .WriteLine Emptya + cstr(WatchlistNumber) + Emptyb
>   .WriteLine Emptyc + Chr(34) + Chr(34) + Emptyd
>   .WriteLine Emptye
>   .WriteLine Emptyf + cstr(WatchlistNumber) + Emptyg
>   .WriteLine Emptyh
>   .WriteLine Emptyi
>   .WriteLine Emptyj + Chr(34) + Emptyk + Chr(34) + Emptyl
>   .Close
>   End With
>   Set FrmlaFile = Nothing
>   With AA
>   .ApplyTo = 1;
>   .RangeMode = 2;
>   .RangeN = 1;
>   .ClearFilters();
>   .Filter(0, "watchlist") = WatchlistNumber
>   bolResult = .LoadFormula(WLEmpty_ExploreFile)
>   If bolResult Then
>   .Explore();
>   End If
>   End With
>   AB.RefreshAll()
>   //End function
>   }
>   // That is it.

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