Hi, I like really like this one. Something for the FED -)


Regards, Ton.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: notanaiqgenius 
  To: amibroker@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:05 AM
  Subject: [amibroker] Re: PLOT OVERLAY AFL FOR RECESSIONS

  Hi BisTrader,

  No need to study it (unless you want to). It should work if you just do the 

  1) copy my code to new afl document.
  2) create this directory: c:\abTestData\
  3) with Notepad copy and paste the following dates into a file and save it as 
a .csv file in that abTestData directory. Name the file "recessions.csv"
  4) apply to afl document to chart and Enjoy.


  --- In amibroker@yahoogroups.com, "bistrader" <bistra...@...> wrote:
  > Wow. Need to study. More work than expected. Most is ready the csv file and 
converting to 1s and 0s it appears. Thanks for sharing.
  > --- In amibroker@yahoogroups.com, "notanaiqgenius" <notanaiqgenius@> wrote:
  > >
  > > Sebastian and bistrader,
  > > 
  > > That is a very clean, fast, and simple solution, Sebastian. I actually
  > > prefer your method most of the time.
  > > 
  > > However, I kind of got carried away and wrote it the hard way reading a
  > > csv file directly with the string functions. This code could be used to
  > > plot user-defined periods of any sort whose start and end dates are
  > > stored in two columns in a csv file.
  > > 
  > > Please read the comments at the top of my code so you know how the
  > > begin and end recession dates should be formatted in the csv file. I
  > > wrote the dates for the recessions from then nber.org website from 1900
  > > to now, and just guessed that the current recession would end at the
  > > end of this year. You can find them in a comment below the main code.
  > > 
  > > I fully debugged this and it works. It basically parses the dates out
  > > of a csv file and then loops through to make a "isRecession" boolean
  > > array, which is then plotted on the chart in gray area, as bistrader 
  > > originally requested.
  > > 
  > > I hope you like this solution!
  > > 
  > > -Paul
  > > 
  > > 
  > > CODE:
  > > 
  > > 
  > > /*Coded By: Paul D. ( notanaiqgenius@ )
  > > Last Modified: 07/05/2010 using Amibroker 5.3
  > > for Yahoo amibroker group message #150705 for bistrader
  > > 
  > > NOTE #1: CSV file must be in following format:
  > > 
  > > 
  > > where the first column is the START Of the recession OR period AND
  > > the Second column is the END Of the recession OR period
  > > 
  > > NOTE #2: be sure to feed the full folder AND file path with \\ slashs 
  > > for folder/file
  > > separators; it should look like this path string:
  > > "C:\\abTestData\\recessions.csv"
  > > You will need to make a folder called abTestData and put the
  > > recessions.csv file
  > > in there if you want my code to work "as-is"
  > > 
  > > NOTE #3: the Plot should be inserted as an OVERLAY.
  > > 
  > > NOTE #4: dates before 1900 won't work i don't think because i used "Easy
  > > Language" style dates
  > > which are in the format of YYYMMDD like 1101231. 01/01/1900 would be 
  > > 0000101, so can't go before
  > > 01/01/1900. Sorry didn't think about this beforehand. */
  > > 
  > > function GetRecessionDates(returnBeginOrEnd, fullPathAndFileName)
  > > { //if you want the BEGIN dates array to be returned, set 
  > > returnBeginOrEnd to 0
  > > //if you want the END dates array to be returned, set 
  > > returnBeginOrEnd to 1
  > > local recDateStr;
  > > local fh;
  > > recDateStr = "";
  > > fh = fopen(fullPathAndFileName,"r");
  > > if (fh)
  > > {
  > > while(!feof(fh)) //get all text/string from csv file
  > > {
  > > recDateStr += fgets(fh);
  > > recDateStr += ",";
  > > }
  > > fclose(fh);
  > > 
  > > //_TRACE("the string: " + recDateStr);
  > > 
  > > //parse string and put it into an numeric array that this 
  > > function will return
  > > rDatesBEGINarr = 0; rDatesENDarr = 0;
  > > DateCntr = 0; rDatesBEGINcntr = 0; rDatesENDcntr = 0;
  > > slashCounter = 0;
  > > MonthNum = 0; DayNum = 0; YearNum = 0; tempDateNum = 0;
  > > i = 0;
  > > fp = 0; //fp = first position
  > > while(i<StrLen(recDateStr))
  > > {
  > > if(StrMid(recDateStr,i,1)=="/")
  > > {
  > > switch(slashCounter)
  > > {
  > > case 0: MonthNum = 
  > > StrToNum(StrMid(recDateStr,fp,i-fp));break; //save month
  > > case 1: DayNum = 
  > > StrToNum(StrMid(recDateStr,fp,i-fp));break; //save day
  > > }
  > > slashCounter++;
  > > fp = i + 1;
  > > }
  > > //save year + entire datenum
  > > if(StrMid(recDateStr,i,1)=="," & StrMid(recDateStr,i-1,1)
  > > != ",")
  > > {
  > > if(StrMid(recDateStr,i-1,1)=="\n") //if previous 
  > > char was newline char
  > > YearNum = StrToNum(StrMid(recDateStr,fp,i-fp-1));
  > > else //else last 
  > > char not newline char
  > > YearNum = StrToNum(StrMid(recDateStr,fp,i-fp));
  > > tempDateNum = 10000*(YearNum-1900) + 100*MonthNum + 
  > > DayNum;
  > > if(DateCntr % 2 == 0)
  > > {
  > > rDatesBEGINarr[rDatesBEGINcntr] = tempDateNum;
  > > rDatesBEGINcntr++;
  > > }
  > > else
  > > {
  > > rDatesENDarr[rDatesENDcntr] = tempDateNum;
  > > rDatesENDcntr++;
  > > }
  > > DateCntr++;
  > > fp = i + 1;
  > > slashCounter = 0;
  > > }
  > > i++;
  > > }
  > > }
  > > if(returnBeginOrEnd==0)
  > > returnArr = rDatesBEGINarr;
  > > else
  > > returnArr = rDatesENDarr;
  > > return returnArr;
  > > }
  > > 
  > > myFolderFilePath = "C:\\abTestData\\recessions.csv"; //remember "\" 
  > > is written as "\\"
  > > rBegin = GetRecessionDates(0, myFolderFilePath);
  > > rEnd = GetRecessionDates(1, myFolderFilePath);
  > > 
  > > /*tempStr = "";
  > > for(i=0;i<BarCount;i++)
  > > {
  > > tempStr = StrFormat(" rBegin[i]: %f " + " rEnd[i]: %f", 
  > > rBegin[i],rEnd[i]);
  > > _TRACE("i: " + i + tempStr);
  > > }*/
  > > 
  > > /*Now make "isRecession" amibroker array that will have
  > > "1" for recessions and "0" for no recession on that date*/
  > > dn = DateNum();
  > > isRecession = 0;
  > > j = 0;
  > > for(i=0;i<BarCount;i++)
  > > {
  > > while(j < BarCount-1 & dn[i] > rEnd[j])
  > > j++;
  > > if(dn[i] >= rBegin[j] & dn[i] <= rEnd[j])
  > > isRecession[i] = 1;
  > > //tempstr = StrFormat("i: %f datenum[i]: %f isRecession[i]: 
  > > %f",i,dn[i],isRecession[i]);
  > > //_TRACE(tempstr);
  > > }
  > > 
  > > recBarColor = Param("RecessionColorNum",47,16,55,1);
  > > Plot(isRecession, "RecessionOverlay", recBarColor, 
  > > styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel,0,1);
  > > 
  > > //PUT THESE DATES IN A CSV FILE CALLED "recession.csv"
  > > /*
  > > 09/01/1902,08/31/1904
  > > 05/01/1907,06/30/1908
  > > 01/01/1910,01/31/1912
  > > 01/01/1913,12/31/1914
  > > 08/01/1918,03/31/1919
  > > 01/01/1920,07/31/1921
  > > 05/01/1923,07/31/1924
  > > 10/01/1926,11/30/1927
  > > 08/01/1929,03/31/1933
  > > 05/01/1937,06/30/1938
  > > 02/01/1945,10/31/1945
  > > 11/01/1948,10/31/1949
  > > 07/01/1953,05/31/1954
  > > 08/01/1957,04/30/1958
  > > 04/01/1960,02/28/1961
  > > 12/01/1969,11/30/1970
  > > 11/01/1973,03/31/1975
  > > 01/01/1980,07/31/1980
  > > 07/01/1981,11/30/1982
  > > 07/01/1990,03/31/1991
  > > 03/01/2001,11/30/2001
  > > 12/01/2007,12/31/2010
  > > */
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > > --- In amibroker@yahoogroups.com, "sebastiandanconia"
  > > <sebastiandanconia@> wrote:
  > > >
  > > > Using a csv file was the way I solved this problem. The AB code is
  > > short and simple that way.
  > > >
  > > > I took the recession/expansion dates from:
  > > >
  > > > http://www.nber.org/cycles.html
  > > >
  > > > ...then created a csv file" named "^Recession Ribbon" (with the
  > > data,open,high,low,close,volume,open interest format) with "1"s and "0"s
  > > to denote expansions and recessions.
  > > >
  > > > This AB code will give you a yellow ribbon from the top to the bottom
  > > of a price chart during recessions.
  > > >
  > > > REC=Foreign("^Recession Ribbon","C")==0;
  > > > Plot(REC, "Recession",
  > > colorYellow,styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel , 0,1);
  > > >
  > > >
  > > > Sebastian
  > > >
  > > > --- In amibroker@yahoogroups.com, "bistrader" bistrader@ wrote:
  > > > >
  > > > > Paul,
  > > > >
  > > > > Thanks.
  > > > >
  > > > > Two items. First, I would like the overlay to extend from the top
  > > to the bottom of the chart. Is there a way to do this? I remember
  > > seeing a chart someplace that did this but can not find it. Second, I
  > > would like to place the state date and end date for each recession in a
  > > csv, but is there a way to read the start and end dates (from column A
  > > and B, respectively) into the arrays that you have?
  > > > >
  > > > > Thanks
  > > > >
  > > > > Bert
  > > > >
  > > > > --- In amibroker@yahoogroups.com, "notanaiqgenius" <notanaiqgenius@>
  > > wrote:
  > > > > >
  > > > > > Hi, I made this indicator for you. Try applying as an overlay. Let
  > > me
  > > > > > know if that works for you.
  > > > > >
  > > > > > Paul
  > > > > > -------------
  > > > > >
  > > > > > //RD stands for recession date
  > > > > > StartRD1 = 1050101;
  > > > > > EndRD1 = 1050631;
  > > > > >
  > > > > > StartRD2 = 1000401;
  > > > > > EndRD2 = 1030101;
  > > > > >
  > > > > > StartRD3 = 1070701;
  > > > > > EndRD3 = 1090301;
  > > > > >
  > > > > > isRecession = (DateNum()>=StartRD1 AND DateNum()<=EndRD1) OR
  > > > > > (DateNum()>=StartRD2 AND DateNum()<=EndRD2) OR
  > > > > > (DateNum()>=StartRD3 AND DateNum()<=EndRD3);
  > > > > >
  > > > > > myATR = ATR(50);
  > > > > > recBarColor = Param("RecessionColorNum", 25,16,55,1);
  > > > > >
  > > > > > rOpen = IIf(isRecession,Open,Open);
  > > > > > rHigh = IIf(isRecession,High+5*myATR,High);
  > > > > > rLow = IIf(isRecession,Low-5*myATR,Low);
  > > > > > rClose = IIf(isRecession,Close,Close);
  > > > > >
  > > > > > PlotOHLC( rOpen, rHigh, rLow, rClose, "RecessionOverlay",
  > > > > > recBarColor, styleCandle);
  > > > > >
  > > > > > --- In amibroker@yahoogroups.com, "bistrader" <bistrader@> wrote:
  > > > > > >
  > > > > > > I would like to create an overlay afl that has recession periods
  > > in a
  > > > > > color that can be selected via parameter with default of light
  > > gray. I
  > > > > > can come up with the beginning and ending dates for each period,
  > > but am
  > > > > > not how to proceed. Getting lost on how to best define (i.e.,
  > > maybe 1
  > > > > > if in recession and 0 otherwise) and how to best plot. Help
  > > > > > appreciated.
  > > > > > >
  > > > > >
  > > > >
  > > >
  > >


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