Hi, I made this indicator for you. Try applying as an overlay. Let me
know if that works for you.


//RD stands for recession date
StartRD1 = 1050101;
EndRD1 = 1050631;

StartRD2 = 1000401;
EndRD2 = 1030101;

StartRD3 = 1070701;
EndRD3 = 1090301;

isRecession = (DateNum()>=StartRD1 AND DateNum()<=EndRD1) OR
                 (DateNum()>=StartRD2 AND DateNum()<=EndRD2) OR
                 (DateNum()>=StartRD3 AND DateNum()<=EndRD3);

myATR = ATR(50);
recBarColor = Param("RecessionColorNum", 25,16,55,1);

rOpen = IIf(isRecession,Open,Open);
rHigh = IIf(isRecession,High+5*myATR,High);
rLow = IIf(isRecession,Low-5*myATR,Low);
rClose = IIf(isRecession,Close,Close);

PlotOHLC( rOpen, rHigh, rLow, rClose, "RecessionOverlay",
             recBarColor, styleCandle);

--- In amibroker@yahoogroups.com, "bistrader" <bistra...@...> wrote:
> I would like to create an overlay afl that has recession periods in a
color that can be selected via parameter with default of light gray.  I
can come up with the beginning and ending dates for each period, but am
not how to proceed.  Getting lost on how to best define (i.e., maybe 1
if in recession and 0 otherwise) and how to best plot.  Help

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