I originally posted this as a follow up to "Using QP EOD and AB 64bit". I assume it was overlooked because of this.

TJ --
Running the Scan helped.  However, that leads me to another question or two:
I had set up the data base, "QP3L", with local enabled a while ago, in addition to my already existing local disabled data base, "QP3".

1. QP3L does not update when running either AB32 or AB64. So it has no new data since early July. Is there some way to update it? I could delete QP3, if that would help.

2. In your instruction 2 below, why did you capitalize the word ONCE. ONCE is enough? Or, more than ONCE is a problem?

Thanks so much for your help.
-- Keith

On 8/27/2010 15:54, Tomasz Janeczko wrote:


It is easy (no need to export/import):

1. Setup the QP2 database using 32 bit version, make sure that local data storage is enabled
2. Run a scan over all symbols ONCE using 32 bit version.
3. Run 64-bit AmiBroker on that QP2 database. It does not matter that you don't have QP2 plugin
in 64-bit, it will use locally stored data.

Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko

On 2010-08-27 21:19, Keith McCombs wrote:

I would like to use AB 64bit for running exhaustive optimization on QuotesPlus EOD data. However, AB does not have a 64bit plugin for QuotesPlus data.

One thought I have is to write all the data out to ASCII files using fputs(), then import it into a new data base using ASCII import. But I have two questions:

1.  Is there a better way?
2. Is there some way to setup and have the symbols placed in the same QP categories as in my original QP data base?

Thanks for help on this,
-- Keith

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