You are correct Bob - 

I have serveral of the big green boxes here - in mint to
dog condx - 

Two others I have parted out to make one of the nicer
ones operational again.

I wont even mention the Viking II parts units <G>

Just dont use the phrase "parting out" - if you want to
sell a part or need on - just post "part for sale" or
"part needed"..

Maybe the crazies will then leave you alone <G>

Gud luck with your projects.

I've been trying to "thin out the herd" for a little bit now.

What I have found to be more the fact than the exception, is that folks want
it NOT only inexpensive (Read CHEAP), BUT want no flaws, or for it to be
restored too!

I'll climb off my soapbox now.

Bob - N0DGN

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