...I agree that we need to have a smaller
  CW subband, say 50 KHz on each band due to the nunber of users of CW.
  Then lets use the same logic in selecting an AM band. Based on the
  number of active AM'ers, how many KHz do you think we deserve??


I think we need to get away from the subband mentality altogether. The last thing we need is to further chop up the bands for an "AM subband". That implies that we would be RESTRICTED TO those subband frequencies. If AM got a subband, then SSTV, PSK31, RTTY and all the other modes would want one as well.

I say let's go the way of Canada and most of the rest of the world. Get rid of subbands altogether - by mode AND by licence class. Let all the bands be like 160 is now. It has worked pretty well without subbands the past 20 years or so since LORAN restrictions were lifted.


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