> >
> >Callsign: WA4D   Class: Extra   Codes: HAI   USA
> >Addr1: 5844 DORIS DR
> >Addr2: ALEXANDRIA, VA 22311
> >Country: USA
> >Effective: 24 Aug 1995   Expires: 24 Aug 2005
> >Lookups: 1113
> >
> Yes, I remember him well.  Don't  remember the retiree stuff, but he was a
> QRM'er and a jammer.  He would come on a frequency with SSB and announce
> that the occupants had 10 minutes to terminate their QSO.  If they didn't
> comply, he would come on with an exceptionally loud and distorted signal and
> jam the frequency until everyone was gone.  "Dog" was his phonetic for
> wa4"D".  He tromped over AM and SSB alike. Like many such individuals, he
> was widely detested, but also enjoyed a cult following.  This was in the
> days when there was practically no FCC enforcement, but somehow he raised
> his profile high enough that they took proceedings against him.  I forget
> what the outcome was, but he was not heard jamming after that.

Yea, I remember all that, too.  Seems I had just gotten on the air, back in 1984
when he was in his "heyday".

It was good to contact you again tonight, Don.  Sorry for the fuse blowing in
the middle of the transmission :-)  I have -got- to re-wire that shack.

I've talked extensively with John/WA5BXO about the modulation reactor that
you and he built out of a pair of 12HY chokes.

What I did here, was to string four chokes in series - 2 of which are
I've got [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is then capacitivly coupled with two [EMAIL 

Rig here is a pair of 250TH's in push-pull, link coupled and they're modulated
by a pair in Class B, using that old RCA Open frame modulation transformer we

I agree - the application that those small-ish pieces of iron were built for
add up, according to the nomenclature plate on those critters.  All the ones
seen are 5,500ohms 1:1 ratio and the secondary current is stamped as 0.198ADC.

I'm still trying to figure out why though, they would use A2 emission instead of
straight CW.  Seems that there would be more cause for a loss of signal, with
phase shift and band conditions, etc.  When nothing else works, CW does.

I'll go out and look for some more 120v 30amp line fuses.  Not only is the rig
on that circuit, but so is a window unit for the house.  Apparently I hit an
peak at the same time the compressor kicked in.  ka-Blewy!  The whole shack went

CUL Don, and thanks for the QSO.

73 = Best Regards,

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