There is only one problem.

    They are deaf to members comments and needs.

    Perhaps that is why some of us are NO LONGER members.

Bob - N0DGN

----- Original Message ----- From: "Merz Donald S"
Subject: [AMRadio] In Defense Of The ARRL

The ARRL is the only organized and funded voice that we have. All the
arguments below sound just like this one: "I don't vote because all
politicians are bad." Well if you don't vote--or in this case, if you choose
not to support the ARRL, then you are assuredly getting what you deserve.

The management of spectrum and the technologies that use that spectrum are
continuously changing. For better or worse is a judgment call--change is the
only certainly.

If we want to protect what we have--if ham radio is to survive--then we MUST
have the ARRL or something like it. Example: All TV broadcast stations have
to go digital by 2007. Why not all ham stations? Are we next? If so, you can
forget AM--and sideband too!

If you believe in and love democracy, then by heaven please vote. If you
believe in and love ham radio, then for heaven's sake please support the
ARRL. To paraphrase Mr. Churchill, the ARRL is the worst form of a ham
organization--except that we have no other.

73, Don Merz, N3RHT

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