On Sat, 23 Nov 2002 18:19:45 +0000 "Donald Chester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Why not good ol' American
> >made Ten Tec gear throughout? 
> Better still, why not expertly designed, custom built homebrew rigs 
> pecisely for the application at W1AW?  I'm sure the League has the 
funds and 
> technical expertise available.

What's the point? I would rather my League dollars go for more important
issues. If you feel that strong about it, maybe you should build them a
homebrew rig and donate it.

> Nothing has worked.  Remember Novice Enhancement?  Then the no-code 
> Volunteer exams?  Now 5 wpm code and "restructuring"?   Despite this 
> of measures that have progressively  relaxed the standards, the 
> hoards of newcamers to amateur radio never materialised.  A 
> number of existing Technicians and Generals have upgraded, but the 
> amateur radio population is still dwindling.  Bottom line:   appliance

I guess you've never operated the VHF or UHF frequencies. Homebrewing is
alive and well, unusual antenna designs abound, propagation anomalies
keep life interesting, digital modes, satellite operations, EME, lots of
frequencies to work with, etc. Nothing is ever boring here. You need to
expand your horizons beyond the 1.8 through 7.3 MHz frequencies.

> Regarding the League's newfound willingness to embrace AM and  classic
> the current enthusiasm for AM and other ham radio fundamentals is 
about the 
> only visible enthusiasm  that is left in the service/ hobby these 

Contesting also demonstrates visible enthusiasm.

Pete, WA2CWA

> Don, K4KYV

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