Hi Todd,

Sounds to me like you may well be an active PARTICIPANT this same time next

I sure hope so. The 1929 QSO Party IS a lot of fun, & it's certainly got me
hooked! Since I first heard about it I've built a 245 Hartley, a 2x245 RF
amplifier, a 4-tube regenerative receiver, & now a 3x227 MOPA transmitter!

These time machines really CAN get into one's blood...write a letter to the
A.W.A. & ask for a sample copy of their quarterly magazine. At twenty bucks
per annum dues, it's a great organization to belong to.

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

> I'd really like to thank Don for the tip on the AWA sponsored pre-1929
> CW rigs on the air over the weekend. I was able to listen a bit both
> days and it was amazing. Some of the signals were amusing as all hell,
> from whooping to yelping. Others like W2ZM(?) sounded quite novel, I
> wondered if it was a spark station by the raspy, melodic tone it made.
> Some were quite stable, others drifted up and down a bit. Some would
> start off with a steady tone, then suddenly rise in pitch. One even
> sounded like it was underwater.
> It's really great to hear these fine old rigs on the air. Other than a
> few station that were very loud with that commercially-made CW sound,
> it was absolutely wonderful. It must have been quite a challenge to
> copy some of that stuff back then!
> Quite an experience. Thanks again Don, for bringing this to the list. I
> loved every minute of it. Sure adds another dimension to CW for me.
> 73 de Todd/'Boomer'  KA1KAQ
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