I have an r390A.
Very good receiver, its a bit ugly compared to some others,
but a very good design.
It needs the audio taken off the diode load in the back, and put
into a nice audio amp and speaker to be hi fi, as do most receivers.

Used to be my favorite one to use while I was on the air, as its
accurate, stable, reliable, has a scope output, nice mechanical
filters, etc.

I have since found out its quite noisy though, and now I notice
I have a bad cap crackling someplace in the audio background.

Its not a receiver you want if you jump around a lot, way too much
cranking of knobs, but if you stick around one band, its great.

The gears and alignment are not bad, the alignment is actually
easy, the pain is when you break a gear clamp buried under
a lot of other gears.
Then, its a bit of like working on a transmission.

My simple home brew superhetrodine blows the r390 away, better
fidelity, much lower noise level, better AM filter bandwith,
better frequency accuricy, easier to jump between 160, 80 and 40 meters.

The r390 would be better than ANY stock rice box receiver though...



> Hi again... I have a chance to buy a R 390A.  All those 
> gears, etc. look imposing.  It is really such a great radio?  
> from Ron VE4SR
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