This is the first I've heard about your simple
superhet. Is ther more info that you'd be willing to
fill me (us) in about it? I need a project for this
summer. I have been considering a Regenerative tube
receiver, the superhet would be better of
course.Thanks in advance.

--- Brett Gazdzinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ron,
> I have an r390A.
> Very good receiver, its a bit ugly compared to some
> others,
> but a very good design.
> It needs the audio taken off the diode load in the
> back, and put
> into a nice audio amp and speaker to be hi fi, as do
> most receivers.
> Used to be my favorite one to use while I was on the
> air, as its
> accurate, stable, reliable, has a scope output, nice
> mechanical
> filters, etc.
> I have since found out its quite noisy though, and
> now I notice
> I have a bad cap crackling someplace in the audio
> background.
> Its not a receiver you want if you jump around a
> lot, way too much
> cranking of knobs, but if you stick around one band,
> its great.
> The gears and alignment are not bad, the alignment
> is actually
> easy, the pain is when you break a gear clamp buried
> under
> a lot of other gears.
> Then, its a bit of like working on a transmission.
> My simple home brew superhetrodine blows the r390
> away, better
> fidelity, much lower noise level, better AM filter
> bandwith,
> better frequency accuricy, easier to jump between
> 160, 80 and 40 meters.
> The r390 would be better than ANY stock rice box
> receiver though...
> Brett
> >
> > 
> > Hi again... I have a chance to buy a R 390A.  All
> those 
> > gears, etc. look imposing.  It is really such a
> great radio?  
> > from Ron VE4SR
> > 
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