Good afternoon all:

Does anyone on this list have an interest in the following:

1    Gates BC1-T    2-833x by 2-833s.  1KW/250W out.  The 
       HV choke is out and I am looking for it. 

1    Continental  314-R1  (828C-1)  two 3-500Zs modulated 
      by one 3-500Z.  250W to 1KW out using a class D                PWD 

Both units have manuals and are in good condition.  The Continental looks 
almost new and the Gates does not have any noticeable burn marks on it.  Pick 
up will be in Wyoming and the date is rapidly approaching so let me know soon.  

If you are interested, I could take some digital pictures and forward to you.

73  Jim
de w5JO

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