am I reading this Right? are these transmitters for the Taking?If not how
P.S.  not sure If  I have the room.. have 3 Monster transmitters now

Tommye & Jim Wilhite wrote:

> Hi Mike:
> Wish I had the space for a 1/4 wave vertical and shack for it myself, but
> sadly I don't.  The coils and insides look new.  The only modification is
> the engineer put a window in the front panel to be able to see the tubes.
> Coils are clean like new as are all other parts.  Sure you don't want it?
> The engineer says it is capable of about 140% positive modulation.  You
> could have about a month to pick it up.
> 73  Jim
> de W5JO
> Jim,
>     Boy that Continental rig sounds like it would be a neat rig to put on
> 160. Unfortunately, Wyoming is a little out of my reach.
> Mike(y)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tommye & Jim Wilhite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "AM Radio Discussion List" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 5:08 PM
> Subject: [AMRadio] Broadcast Transmitters
> Good afternoon all:
> Does anyone on this list have an interest in the following:
> 1    Gates BC1-T    2-833x by 2-833s.  1KW/250W out.  The
>        HV choke is out and I am looking for it.
> 1    Continental  314-R1  (828C-1)  two 3-500Zs modulated
>       by one 3-500Z.  250W to 1KW out using a class D                PWD
> modulator.
> Both units have manuals and are in good condition.  The Continental looks
> almost new and the Gates does not have any noticeable burn marks on it.
> Pick up will be in Wyoming and the date is rapidly approaching so let me
> know soon.
> If you are interested, I could take some digital pictures and forward to
> you.
> 73  Jim
> de w5JO
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