On the weekend of June 7-8 the Camp X Historical Society 
(www.campxhistoricalsociety.ca) with the radio amateurs of the Durham Region 
will be doing their annual radio re-activation of the former Spy training and 
SIGINT operation known as Camp X.
Operation will be on all HF bands with all modes planned. Callsign for the 
event will be VE3SCX.  Frequencies will depend on conditions at the time.
Camp X, located outside of Toronto, was in operation from 1941 til 1969 
teaching the art of intelligence, sabotage while operation as a relay station 
between Great Britain, Canada, and the USA.
Next year our group will be building a museum to pay tribute to these secret 

Many thanks and 73's

 Matthew Batten-VE3ZQW

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