Hi Eddy,

Thanks for the message--we really appreciate the
interest.  We don't currently have the Ar-88 but I know we will have an
HRO (ex RCAF), our 19 set, and a model 28 KSR that is original to the
camp. We'll be putting out some RTTY, but not with the heavy metal(this
year).  I havent heard what the other amateur radops are bringing for
vintage as of yet.  I will have my trusty AN/GRC-19 there
though to keep up appearances  
Interesting point with the
AR-88's, they were actually the second style of xcvr used there.  First
sets were HRO's used at the farm house becase the staion wasn't
complete.  The AR-88's came into play once the triple rhombics were set
up-hence the triple diversity.  Operated quite nicely when working
Bletchley Park.  
Post war the built a new solid concrete
building which housed the big transmitter which put out in the area of 125
KW.  Out of interest that building is/was located under the berm
beneath the monument.  Guess we'll find out when we start digging our
test holes for the museum!  


--------- Original Message --------
To: "amradio@mailman.qth.net"

Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Camp X Field Day


Does your group have plans to include a vintage, 40's era
site, as well as the more modern gear...?

A receiver

~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI -

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 11:39
Subject: [AMRadio] Camp X Field Day

> On the weekend of
will be doing their annual
and SIGINT operation known
> Operation will be on all HF bands with all modes planned.
event will be VE3SCX. Frequencies will depend on
> Camp X, located outside of Toronto, was in
teaching the art of intelligence, sabotage
station between Great Britain, Canada, and the
> Next year our group will be building a museum to pay tribute to
secret warriors.
> Many thanks and
> Matthew Batten-VE3ZQW
> President-CXHS

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