Hello Gang,

        In the Austin, Texas area there is some activity on 50.4 spearheaded by
Nick W5FUA. I would like to get something on six to join them. I have a pair
of Gonset G76 transceivers that cover 80-6 meters. On six meters these are
crystal control only.

        My question to the group is "is the G76 a viable six meter rig?" It has
been a long time, but I recall trying to make one of my G-76 rigs work on
six. I recall a very distressed 6DQ5, poor efficiency, downward modulation,
and a receiver that had very poor sensitivity along with image problems. I
figured that this six meter capability on the G76 was more marketing hype
than reality. The 6DQ5 works quite well on ten meters though. Last night I
read the G76 manual, and based on that maybe my rigs are just broken.

        Do any of you fine folk have any experience on six meters using a G76? 
so, good, or bad, lets hear it.

        I was thinking about replacing the 6DQ5 with a 6146, or 7984 should the
feedback all be negative for stock G76's. Has anybody modified a G76 for
decent six meter AM?

Jim candela

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